If you are looking to attract better opportunities, live your potential and claim the life you truly deserve, then look no further than ultimate self-mastery expert and top speaker and author, Peter Sage.
Self-mastery is generally defined as the ability to control your internal thought processes that guide your emotions, behaviors, habits, and life choices. According to Peter, you cannot control your biological maturity but you can have a profound impact on your emotional maturity by learning skills that allow you to take conscious control of what, for many, are unconscious thought processes. Mastering the ability to respond with awareness rather than reacting without reason is the skill he teaches his mentees. He believes that until and unless you master the inner game first, you cannot change anything. All your attempts at success are destined to fail and lead you to more stress rather than peace.
Bury the hatchet
Self-mastery gives you the perfect opportunity to escape the experiences that confine you. According to Peter, getting clothes dirty is common, and sometimes removing some stains is hard, but we can always choose to not wear that outfit again. Self-mastery allows you to evade past experiences of trauma and give you the power to start with a clean slate. Making peace with the past, letting go of all that causing pain, and forgiving are some of the ways to master your emotions and help you grow. At one point in life, you have to realize that the past can not be changed, but you can determine how your future will be.
Own your ugly parts
Self-analysis and evaluation while being completely honest about your strengths and weaknesses, enables you to view yourself in a true light. It means being happy owning your ugly parts instead of being ashamed of them. That helps you to achieve self-mastery as you are taking charge of your inner auditor and critic. With even some simple skills you can guide yourself to achieve the best version of yourself easily.
Observe and hear your thoughts
In order to develop self-mastery, give due importance to that little voice in your head. Observe your thoughts and become aware of your inner self. Peter teaches how to ‘think about your thinking’ in a way that creates inner congruence.
Stop thinking about what others think
Lastly, Peter tells his mentees to quit being bothered about what he calls GOOP. Which stands for the Good Opinion of Other People. He reveals why most people are so concerned about how people perceive you that it hampers your growth. Being unfettered by the perception of others is one of the most important ways to cultivate self-mastery and be confident in your skin. Not allowing yourself to be affected by the opinion of others is an important self-mastery skill, that when mastered could open the door to success for you.