What was the first thing you made with your hands? Let’s face it: we all made something during our childhood. Something that used to be pretty close to our hearts. It could be a paper plane, a boat, or a doll house – something we held dear; something that used to give us that sense of accomplishment back then, and we wanted to keep making it again. That’s the power of DIY.
When you start “doing it your way,” there’s no going back, and when it’s about styling your home through it, there’s nothing more rewarding than having a space you created. Nicole Francis, the DIY enthusiast and content creator of the famous Instagram page 1776 Faux Farmhouse, could not agree more with this statement.
Nicole and Michael Francis dedicated their lives to making their home look like a masterpiece. Using their home styling skills and passion, they turned their dull builder-grade house into a riveting home. They are a perfect example of love and determination to achieve what you want, no matter how small your budget is.
Nicole believes that it’s not only their accomplishments from DIY projects that truly matter but also the cost-effectiveness and satisfaction of creating their own home. “Home is what you make it, whether that be a day full of projects or a day spent with your kids and all the moments in between,” says Nicole.
You can watch Nicole run her unique DIY hustles on her Instagram page with two adorable munchkins who keep mama on her toes. What’s more surprising is to see how this wonder mom manages massive projects and all the artwork with two cuties on the side. Spectacular!
Talking about difficulties, Nicole is open to the fact that not all projects are easy. Some are riskier, while others are time-consuming and complicated. Still, she believes if it is worth the risk, one should take it or be ready to lose the opportunity – and indeed, her dream project, 1776 Faux Farmhouse, was totally worth it. “We learned together, made mistakes, and figured out solutions as a team, little ones included. “When I look at this space, I see the family that made this house a home,” says Nicole.
Currently, Nicole and Michael are working with some big, renowned brands, including Downeast Home, Best Home Furnishings, etc., to promote and advertise their products through their Instagram page. Nicole’s goal is to continue to do DIY home projects and help more people transform their homes, especially from builder-grade to custom-made! She hopes to one day design a home that will be featured in Utah’s well-known Parade of Homes.
If you also have that home-styling frenzy and want some inspiration for your home, visit 1776fauxfarmhouse.com today; you won’t regret it.