Mark Cuban doesn’t believe in having a mentor, but he himself mentors allot of his partners and a handful of combat veterans. I’ve had the pleasure of picking his brain more than once and take the opportunity of his generosity to veterans. Not only does he take time to help military members but he’s donated millions of dollars to non-profits.
When I asked Mark, “What’s the best advice you can give a war veteran going into business or anyone really?”He said to me. “Make great money at a job.” Many of you who are entrepreneurs might say a job? Well yeah, we all have to work for someone before we can work for ourselves. But he didn’t just say make money at a job. He said, “Make GREAT money at a job.” So that narrows down which field you get into and gives you the lead way to understand the level of money is not ok, or good but great. ( I recommend sales.)
He went on to say. “Be GREAT at that job.” So not only make great money. So its that double great that stacks up and compounds. If you have higher pay than the average income and you do amazing you already have a short cut to double and triple your peers.
Now comes the part all free spirits like. Mark Cuban then told Luis to start a company that builds SLOWLY.
Why slowly? Well, many times business owners hit the ground running because they might have put all their money in and are bootstrap and need to remake the money in order to take care of life bills. They could also have Netflix investors or taken loans. All of which in other conversations he told me he’s not a fan of loans.
To build slowly you should transition so that your not under stress and can build it up without having it collapse because of debt or loans. His last point in the conversation was.
The more you push it the more it fails. This means that you try to expand before your ready it will fall apart running a business is like growth in nature it has to have a stable trunk to expand its branches. Being able to get these key points from a billionaire who started at 0 is a great blessing I hope you enjoyed the read and you can find more information on me and my projects at Luis Jorge Rios on Instagram.
Remember you have a purpose! Till next time!