God has made humankind the greatest creation on earth with the ability to reason and think logically. Humans have created many inventions throughout history, big or small, that can facilitate work or learn something. The Batting Pro by Jorge V. Gonzalez is one of those inventions that makes learning softball or baseball easier for beginners; it will help them correct their batting technique and muscle memory.
Jorge is a YouTube content creator who dedicates most of his content to motivating others. In a harsh world where everyone competes and makes others feel miserable, he uses his positive light to shine on pessimistic individuals. Jorge gives them hope by tapping into their talent, gifted by God. He believes that many people haven’t recognized their gifts, which is why they struggle to keep up with the world. By working on their talent, followers can become the greatest human beings on this planet.
Life’s purpose is difficult to find, but it becomes a little easier if you have mentor guidance. Every human has some purpose of fulfilling on earth, and Jorge believes that bringing positivity in people is his purpose in life. Just like his invention of ‘The Batting Pro.’ The idea for designing a training aid came from his daughter, who wanted to play softball. Being a supportive dad, Jorge did his best to provide the best facility for his daughter. He came up with a brilliant idea for the design and structure of the machine.
The Batting Pro is not only a piece of training equipment, but it also stands as evidence of Jorge’s overcoming his trauma. He suffered from many accidents and medical diagnoses that deteriorated his health, but building this training aid motivated him to get up again. Seeing his daughter struggling erased all his worries, and he put his utmost effort into creating something helpful for her.
Like his daughter, Jorge plans to change the lives of many beginners through The Batting Pro. Following his invention, he decided to become an influencer to help others find their life’s calling. Jorge has a lot of experience that can be valuable to the youth; he saw the worst of life and overcame it through personal effort, and this is what he wanted to convey through his content. @jorge_v_gonzalez on Instagram is dedicated to providing the daily boost of confidence that a person might need. Jorge has found his life’s meaning to assist them in finding their gifts and life’s meaning. He sees that every individual is in a constant quest to find love and peace, which is possible if they utilize their gifts; only then would they feel alive and content with life. To know more about Jorge and gain valuable insights about life, read his international best-selling book, Answer the Call: Life Lessons From Family Origins Through Invention and Struggle.