There is no denying the fact that women are systematically held back from exhibiting their true potential in the boardroom. But that is also true for the bedroom, where their pleasure is a lesser priority.
Many women struggle in relationships dominated by orgasm disparities, chore-like sex, and lack of satisfaction. Numerous women describe their sexual encounters as numb and lacking connection. According to Dr. Laurie Mintz, the root cause of this shallow intimacy is insidious gender discrimination in the bedroom.
Dr. Laurie is a best-selling author, sex therapist, licensed psychologist, and professor of Psychology of Human Sexuality at the University of Florida. She enjoys empowering women sexually and working to close the orgasm gap. She is the author of two popular press books written to help women reclaim their sexuality. Her 2017 release, Becoming Cliterate: Why Orgasm Equality Matters and How to Get It, explores the problematic social norms around sexuality and how women feel marginalized regarding bodily pleasures.
In the book, Dr. Laurie exposes the issues that cause the orgasm gap and shares solutions based on sex therapy and sex research. She rejects the lies and myths that hold women back from experiencing pleasures. The book is a revolution in itself, helping women reclaim power and pleasure.
Her 2009 release, A Tired Woman’s Guide to Passionate Sex: Reclaim Your Desire and Reignite Your Relationship aims to provide sex-positive information backed by science to enhance desire among women who are feeling too exhausted and stressed to enjoy sex. Aside from writing books, she also writes a popular Psychology Today Blog and is a sought-after speaker on feminist topics. Her audience consists of laypeople and professionals looking to enhance their knowledge on issues related to human sexuality.
Dr. Mintz also has a small private practice helping individuals and couples on general psychological and sexual issues. Through writing, speaking, consulting, seeing clients, and regular media engagements, Dr. Laurie has established herself as the foremost authority in America on the orgasm gap and is considered the expert on female sexuality.
At a recent TEDx event, Dr. Laurie used the platform to highlight the drastic nature of the orgasm gap. She explains the cultural reasons behind this dilemma and promotes the equal value of women’s and men’s pleasure during intimate encounters.
Dr. Laurie is changing the narrative of female wellbeing and sexual pleasure through her efforts and stirring a revolution. Be a part of her journey, and check out her outstanding work on her website here.