An entertainment TV talk show featuring celebrity interviews, Dead Talk Live, is quickly gaining ground as an up-and-coming program. Created by John Vizaniaris, who also acts as the host of the show, Dead Talk Live has managed to forge its path to considerable success while bringing a fresh and new perspective to the talk show genre.
The show premiered in April 2020, when COVID-19 was at its height, prompting a slightly different setup than other talk shows. Guests give interviews from the comfort and safety of their homes. Despite being a rather unconventional setup, it provides viewers with a more personal insight regarding the people they admire.
With his charismatic attitude, John manages to keep the flow of the conversation smooth and exciting through the one-hour run time of the show. The show is also streamed live, which makes it all the more daunting, yet John manages to keep his guests comfortable and relaxed as he asks insightful questions about their work, development, problems, and progress. Every celebrity who has ever appeared on his show has good things to say about John and his professionalism.
Professional acting coach, talk show host, writer, and lyricist IronE Singleton, known for Walking Dead, and Blind Side, was reported saying: “I had a great interview with John! He was very pleasant, energetic, sincere, and informed. He seemed to be a good guy. I wish John V all the best as he strives to create a better world for all the rest.”
Despite being a horror-centric talk show, John has also begun to branch out to other genres. One of his guests was Graham McTavish, most known for his roles in The Outlander and House of the Dragon. This shift is especially noticeable in Dead Talk News, a platform for sharing the latest news in the industry. The articles range from providing reviews, headlines, and news of every genre to recapping Dead Talk Live interviews.
With a wide range of streaming platforms – Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, Twitch, Twitter, and Youtube – Dead Talk Live has certainly been able to gain popularity over such a short period.
John’s ambition is to see Dead Talk Live grow beyond his initial vision. John’s charm and buoyant attitude have made the show well-regarded within the Entertainment Industry, with many major studios’ PR departments and individual talent representatives speaking highly of him.