Making money alone is not the goal for some; they seek pleasure in finding and fulfilling the purpose of their existence. Doing something boring, robotic, and essentially meaningless can starve one’s soul; a situation that creates rifts between the inner and the outer selves is never to lead to a satisfying, wholesome experience, and Francesca Chang understands this more than many others. Now a career advisor and travel blogger, the former lawyer had to break free of toxic and unfulfilling work culture on her own. The harrowing experience inspires her to help others break the shackles and make a beeline towards joy and contentment!
Society teaches us that a law degree and a license guarantees a bright, prestigious future. Francesca Chang had it all set out for her after she graduated and passed the Bar exam, but she “threw it all away!” One wonders why? Well, because some people refuse to settle for normalized workplace politics, boring, meaningless red tape, and unhappy hours at work that leave you exhausted physically and mentally. Francesca was wired differently; she had joined the legal profession with the hope to live a fulfilling experience, helping the distressed. The reality of the legal profession was everything but this.
With the burning desire to find meaning and happiness in life, the young lawyer chucked her law degree out the window and set out on the adventures of finding a suitable, purposeful future for herself. Luckily she succeeded in her quest; she is a travel blogger now making money by living her best life and enjoying every moment in her unique way. She is paid for her adventures throughout her reclaimed motherland of Taiwan.
At the same time, the adventurous blogger helps others like herself say goodbye to situations limiting their abilities and hindering their path to success. If one is stuck in a profession that’s not serving them, it’s improbable that such a person will realize their full potential. Energies and talents will rust and rot in the dustbin of boredom and redundancy; life will tick past, leaving behind only regrets and overpowering negativity.
Francesca teaches her clients to fully explore their potential by seeking an upgrade in their positions or taking a new turn in life if necessary. With her highly motivational blog and inspiring life story to back the claims made, Francesca fills her clients with enough courage, passion, and hope to kick all fears out of their system. Taking notes from Tony Robbins’ words, “ the only impossible journey is the one you never begin,” she enables people to push past the mental blocks that discourage them and limit their chances of reaching their full potential. Impossible is nothing for Francesca, it’s just a state of mind that the brain superimposes on you in stressful, fruitless situations. It is the young blogger’s passion and dream to help people live the best they can and it gives her own life meaning and purpose. Francesca finds happiness coaching her clients towards a better, higher, and happier version of themselves.