While looking for more prominent reasons to be happy and grateful, we usually turn a blind eye to the little things around us. The mesmerizing sunset, a good night’s sleep, or that satisfying yawn one does all go unnoticed amongst our urge to pursue bigger things. To help people understand the underlying significance of being grateful – even for little things – content creators like Armeen Jasavala have positively impacted people’s lives and made them feel better as they find that balance.
She posts holistic lifestyle-based content on her Instagram and YouTube accounts, sharing viable information on how one can protect their physical, mental, and emotional health through healthy habits. Armeen holds a Bachelor’s degree in Physical Health and Education and a Diploma in Homeopathy. She had her own private practice in Mumbai, where she helped countless patients feel better by improving their physical and mental well-being using her years of experience and knowledge in alternative medicine, including homeopathy, physiotherapy, massage therapy, acupressure, and acupuncture.
Nowadays, there are a lot of speculations, confusion, and myths surrounding holistic lifestyles with a focus on how diet and exercise work. The answer is simple: if you treat your body well, it will function better. Armeen makes content that helps people understand plant-based lifestyles and their significance not just for the body but also for building a sustainable environment for future generations. Since she started making content around creating a healthy lifestyle and sharing easy vegan recipes her Instagram followers have rapidly increased. She was commended by many of her followers for her informative and beneficial content. With her social media presence growing, she has been approached for many paid collaborations and modelling projects.
Although she had a tough time settling in Mumbai, India, it opened many doors for her. She helped many people create healthy lifestyles and helped them to instill mindfulness, appreciation and gratefulness, which was missing in their lives. Gratitude does not come overnight; it takes time, effort, and constant reminders. She believes we must be grateful for even the most difficult challenges in our lives because there is a silver lining or lesson at the end of it all. Armeen says, “Once you adopt an attitude of gratefulness, it can help you reach contentment and a level of happiness where you feel secure and fulfilled.”