We all know that heightened levels of stress and anxiety are not good for your overall well-being. One of the most distressing factors of the modern living style is mortgage and finances. Home buying can have a negative effect on your mental health and there are reports that the tedious process of home buying can age you by 2 years. Aside from that, it can give you increased stress and anxiety, or even lead to depression.
The troubles of mortgages are real and evil. But Arjun Dhingra is set to revolutionize the field of mortgage banking and has emerged as a man with a heart and soul. He prefers to call himself a mortgage advisor instead of a mortgage banker. He aims to teach and help people from entering into nasty mortgage troubles and make wise choices that they will not regret later. He is a guiding light for all those looking for home buying on the West Coast.
Arjun is based in San Francisco, California. He has been serving clients with his compassion and expertise in real estate, for about two decades. His business ethics and tactics have helped him gain considerable respect and trust from clients. He cites his not being “transactional” in his dealings and relationships to be what separates his work from others. He says, “The industry is so hot and intense with the business that it is most common for everyone to be recording record amounts of transactions and just boasting these stats. I am acutely focused on providing as much value as possible to each client and in each relationship so that I can build a loyal following. So in a word, its VALUE that separates me from others in the industry”
Arjun Dhingra is also a TaeKwonDo national champion who works as co-head coach for Team USA. The spirit of a fighter and the ability to be agile and navigate through all that life throws at you are two things he learned as an athlete. He uses the same energy and coaching abilities at his mortgage business.
“So I tap into that same energy to keep motivated and focussed on helping people. I am a big advocate for the consumer and first-time buyer, preaching financial literacy around mortgages through guidance and education.”
Arjun aspires to help bridge wealth and income gaps in the communities through his role as a real estate and mortgage advisor. He does this by preaching financial literacy to his consumers so that they become empowered to make responsible decisions around mortgage debt.